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Friday, September 04, 2015

Health care in the U.S.costs 500% MORE than in the rest of the first world.
Today health care in the United States costs 500%, approximately, that of the same technology purchased elsewhere in the first world.  There are places where the “offset” is only 200% but virtually nowhere that it runs the other way.  It is literallypossible in many parts of the United States to buy a plane ticket to Narita, Japan, have an MRI done and read there and then fly back home for less than you will be charged for the same exam in your town.
The 900lb Gorilla in the room that nobody talks about is that health plans under Obamacare, Medicare and most private insurance, with a notable exception found in certain “Cadillac” plans that are all now heavily taxed under Obamacare, along with allMedicare recipients, leave the patient with a typical 20% “co-pay” plus in the case of private insurance a hefty deductible that typically runs to $5,000 per person, per year before a single penny is covered.
Here’s the reason this matters:
If you fix this problem then the consumer still pays 20% as they do now but that is the entire bill which means they do not need to buy “Health insurance” at all except for a low-cost policy against sudden and catastrophic events such as a heart attack or serious accident.  Such a policy would only cost a few hundred dollars a year and for those who are truly indigent it could be provided at little cost to the government.

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