Obamacare will incur higher costs and insure fewer people than projected last year, Congress' official budget agency projected Thursday.
However, insurance costs under the Affordable Care Act are still expected to be lower than projected when the law was enacted in 2010.
The Congressional Budget Office, Congress' nonpartisan budget agency, released estimates Thursday afternoon showing that the net cost of insuring people through Obamacare will be $136 billion higher than previously expected, totaling $1.34 trillion from 2016 to 2025.

See the problem here?
People do not "get insured" through Medicaid. They receive medical care entirely paid for by someone else. There are no deductibles, or co-insurance or premiums, and, to drive the point home, one cannot "buy" a Medicaid "policy."
It is simply income redistribution, period And there's a corollary effect:
"More will get insured through Medicaid, fewer are expected to get coverage through the exchanges."
As the insured population plummets, insurance companies are enrolling fewer and fewer paying customers, and of course those that do pony up are getting less and less bang for their buck as out-of-pocket costs continue to rise.
Happy days, indeed. All hail the Obama administration " WE FIXED EVERYTHING "
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