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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Steen's Chronicle: The social contract is broken

How do we explain Donald Trump’s rise, the risk of a Brexit, the fact that Marie Le Pen stands a good chance of becoming France's next president, and the general situation of a political world in which all incumbents appear ready to be knocked off their stools?
Simple, Dr. Watson! It is the social contract, which is not only being broken but is also being tossed out! Meanwhile, the political elites are losing their hair trying to analyse why someone like Trump, a four-times bankrupt, immoral, profane, self-promoter of a candidate can win the GOP election.

The point is that this has nothing to do with Trump’s policies (or lack thereof) but has everythuing to do with the fact that he is anti-establishment. We need not fear that the US is turning towards Trump's policies, but the political elite needs to recognise that voters are turning away from the “social contract” and its elitist political judgments.

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