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Friday, March 24, 2017

TRUMP’S WALL = $21.6 billion…ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION = $148.3 billion / year…DO THE MATH!

So tards keep asking, who’s going to pay for the wall? Where is the money going to come from to pay for the wall? Its simple. The wall pays for itself simply by the presence of fewer illegal aliens in country. Just like Reagan’s military spending resulted in a “peace dividend”, which eventually led to budget surpluses a decade later, the Mexican border wall will have a cumulative effect on money not spent, feeding, housing, educating, adjudicating and incarcerating illegal aliens. Mind you that the cost of illegal immigration is estimated to be $148 billion PER YEAR. Even a 1% reduction in the cost of illegal immigration will have the wall paid for in just over a decade.

There are 3 basic types of costs I included in this estimate:
1. Federal Expenses: $31.9 Billion. Expenses incurred at the federal level total $28.6 billion, according to the FAIR report. This number includes things like educational subsidies ($2.1 billion), healthcare costs ($5.9 billion, of which $750 goes to Obamacare subsidies), and justice costs etc.

2. State & Local Costs: $93.3 Billion. This category includes a much broader range of expenses which I won’t go into here. Again, you can get a sense of what this looks like by reading my cost analysis on California. Once adjusted for inflation, as per the Bureau of Labor Statistics calculator, the US government spends roughly $125.2 billion per year on illegal immigrants. This is slightly mitigated by the fact that migrants contribute $14.9 billion in federal, state, and local taxes (inflation-adjusted).

3. Remittances: $38 Billion. The final major category are remittances (money transferred from someone working in the US to their family abroad). For this calculation, I assume that remittances are being sent by first generation immigrants (legal or illegal), and that they are equally likely to remit. I include remittances in my calculation because it’s a financial drain on the country—the money evaporates from the economy, never to be spent domestically or support local businesses. According to Pew Research America lost $133.6 billion in remittances in 2015—$136.9 billion when adjusted for inflation. Given that there are 40 million foreign-born American citizens, and roughly 11.1 million illegal immigrants (again, according to Pew), this means there are 51.1 million people sending remittances.

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