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Monday, April 24, 2017

Clintons “handsomely compensated” by both Goldman Sachs and Germany in exchange for Clintons’ helping them exploit Greek financial crisis intentionally created by GS as Merkel consolidated political control. Chelsea’s hubby, a GS employee, also involved.

As Greece’s crisis exploded, Goldman associates began to make apparent moves to continue to leverage the situation as much as possible. In 2014, Marc Mezvinsky, a former Goldman Sachs employee and wife of Chelsea Clinton, launched Eaglevale Hellenic Opportunity along with two other Goldman employees to attract investors hoping to cash in on Greece’s broadly touted economic recovery. As a former Goldman employee, it is strange that Mezvinsky appeared to be so certain of a Greek recovery, given his relationship to the finance group that laid the foundation for the crisis and knew firsthand how unlikely Greece was to recover. SEC documents reveal that new investors to Eaglevale Hellenic were required to put down at least $2 million. Goldman chief executive Lloyd Blankfein not only invested in the firm, but allowed his association with the fund to be used in its marketing. Hillary Clinton has refused to comment on how much Blankfein invested in Eaglevale Hellenic. At a time where Greece’s financial woes were not only well known to Goldman Sachs, but becoming increasingly obvious to the world, the Eaglevale fund bears alarming signs of being a blatant attempt to steal cash from unwitting investors too foolish to see the writing on the wall.

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