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Monday, November 27, 2017

Mapping the Most Expensive Welfare States in the Country

First off, what is public welfare? This can be a controversial topic with a lot of stereotypes, so let’s get our definitions straight. If you rely on public welfare, then you turn to the government for help with paying your basic necessities, like food, housing and healthcare. The federal government runs programs that provide these types of things, and to varying degrees, so do some states. As you can clearly see, some places are more generous than others. California is the obvious standout on the West Coast, dropping north of $100 million on public assistance. Texas is the only other Western state with over $30 million of expenditures, followed by Washington at under $12 million. There’s a significant cluster of high-spending states across the Northeast, including New York ($61.4 M) and Pennsylvania ($26.8 M). Florida stands out in the South at over $27 million, thanks in large part to its retirement communities. There’s also a cluster of states in the Upper Midwest in light pink, where there a lot of old manufacturing cities.

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