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Monday, December 20, 2021

Is Joe Biden About To Impose Destructive New Restrictions On The U.S. Economy In Order To Fight Omicron?

I can see right through what illegitimate president Biden is doing -- we've already seen that the Omicron virus is mild, but Biden and Dr. Television Fauci will fear monger it to death, up to their old corrupt games, to keep it going through the 2022 elections. They are corrupt as hell, not to mention heartless and cruel when you deny deny religious exemptions to millions of god fearing citizens thereby persecuting them, when you knowingly block known cures causing untold death and injury, when you mandate a vaccine you know full well is killing people, causing cardiac arrest and blood clots, when you cause millions of Americans to lose their jobs and be plunged into hardship because they choose to exercise their right to sovereignty over their own bodies.

And still the sheeple remain blind and useless..

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