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Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Rand Paul's Advice On What To Do When Confronted By "Crazy Lunatic" Mask People 

Host Jesse Watters asked Paul about a recent indecent in which two mask Karens attacked a man for not wearing one, and as he was black, kept yelling ‘Black lives Matter’ at him.

“These people clearly aren’t well,” Watters noted, adding “Large swaths of America are in a Covid cult.”


When you get affirmation and pats on the back for virtue signaling with a mask, and it all re-validates all the other special interests to which you identify and ascribe, AND if it gets you stimmies and handouts and free stuff, and you get to make the same money without working hard or doing much at all . . .

Then you get this type of behavior from mask wearing idiots.

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