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Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Biden’s choice to help with his SCOTUS pick is a BLM board member, CRT promoter and defund-the-police supporter – NONE of which he mentioned when he announced her 

  • Minyon Moore, 63, was tapped by Biden to help him pick the first black woman justice on the Supreme Court
  •  She sits on the board of Black Lives Matter Global Foundation, which touts defunding the police
  •  Biden has tried to distance himself of that movement
  • Moore is a close friend and promoter of Kimberle Crenshaw one of the founding architects of critical race theory
  •  She has been a political consultant for Jesse Jackson, Kamala Harris, Bill and Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden
  •  She will suspend her political consulting and work with BLM whiles she advises on the top court pick
  • Her role will be to help promote interest from Americans in the process 

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