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Monday, February 21, 2022

Canadian MP’s Audio Feed CUT When He Asks Why Klaus Schwab Brags About Having “Infiltrated” Parliament

 A Canadian MP was cut off and accused of spreading “disinformation” during a debate when he began to ask why the head of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, has been publicly bragging about infiltrating the Canadian parliament.

The debate, concerning the use of emergency powers by the Trudeau regime, occurred on Saturday and saw many MP’s using Zoom video chats.

When it came the turn of conservative Oshawa MP Colin Carrie to speak, he started to question about “outside influence” in the parliament, specifically via the WEF and globalist Klaus Schwab.

Carrie asked legislators why Schwab has used a public platform for “bragging” about “infiltrating governments around the world,” including “half of Canada’s cabinet.”

Carrie then asked “in the interest of transparency,” which members of Canadian parliament are under the control of Schwab, prompting the speaker of the house to cut the audio feed and start saying “order, order, order.”

The speaker then said there was a “very very very bad audio” connection (no there wasn’t) and simply ignored Carrie’s comments.


So when the truth is spoken its disinformation, yet when these Globilist assholes and their minions speak its fact? They've been lying their entire lives.

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