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Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Fact: Obama and Biden were both ADAMANTLY against gay marriage (just like Ukraine). Don’t let real history be memory-holed

How captured is the Government well you tell me.

2010 news coverage of Obama:

Fact: Obama voted against the Federal Marriage Amendment

In 1973, Biden said that gay federal employees were “security risks”

In 1993, Biden voted to block the immigration of HIV+ individuals into the United States

In 1993, Biden voted for the bill that created “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”. He also helped write the bill.

In 1994, Biden voted to cut off federal funding for schools that taught “acceptance of homosexuality as a lifestyle”

In 1996, Biden voted for the Defense Of Marriage Act, which defined marriage as between one man and one woman

Biden speech @ 3m mark, from CNN


My how times have changed..These people are all Bull shit artists and frauds, and the Low information Idiots sit here Idolizing these morons.  

Idolizing a Politician is like beliveing the stripper really likes you.

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