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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Police allowed to install cameras on private property without warrant | Ars Technica

Police allowed to install cameras on private property without warrant | Ars Technica

A federal judge has ruled that police officers in Wisconsin did not violate the Fourth Amendment when they secretly installed cameras on private property without judicial approval.

The officers installed the cameras in an open field where they suspected the defendants, Manuel Mendoza and Marco Magana, were growing marijuana. The police eventually obtained a search warrant, but not until after some potentially incriminating images were captured by the cameras. The defendants have asked the judge to suppress all images collected prior to the issuance of the search warrant. 

They won when the Patriot act was signed, and they finished us off when it was expanded and then NDAA was signed. So I guess  we can also do the same at their homes and place of business as well correct?

I've said it before...Any time the politicians declare 'war' on something (poverty, drugs, terror, etc) our money and freedoms go out the window.

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