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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The A-List: Time to decide whether Greece is in or out of the euro

The A-List

The focus is back on the debt crisis in Greece where a three party governing coalition is struggling to come up with a new economic reform programme that can secure parliamentary approval. Meanwhile governments, such as Germany’s, that extend support to Athens, are considering how best to approach their own legislatures with Greece’s request for even more aid.
We expect the various European officials to find a way to sort all this out over the next few weeks – not because they believe in the outright merit of what they are doing but because they fear the alternatives. But that means lots of unsatisfactory and unsustainable compromises. And by failing to address the underlying issues, yet another Greek rescue will stand no greater chance of success than previous ones. Meanwhile the trust of Greek citizens in the credibility of government and institutions will erode further.

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