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Thursday, January 17, 2019

Beto O'Rourke Suggests America Should Ditch The Constitution

During an interview with the Washington Post, the Texas Congressman openly mulled whether the rapidly changing nature of the world meant that the founding document of the country was out of date.
Throughout the two-hour interview — which was often interrupted by bystanders urging him to run for president — O’Rourke boomeranged between a bright-eyed hope that the United States will soon dramatically change its approach to a whole host of issues and a dismal suspicion that the country is now incapable of implementing sweeping change.
When asked which it is, O’Rourke paused.
“I’m hesitant to answer it because I really feel like it deserves its due, and I don’t want to give you a — actually, just selfishly, I don’t want a sound bite of it reported, but, yeah, I think that’s the question of the moment: Does this still work?” O’Rourke said. “Can an empire like ours with military presence in over 170 countries around the globe, with trading relationships…and security agreements in every continent, can it still be managed by the same principles that were set down 230-plus years ago?

Be interesting to know just what parts of the Constitution he wants changed.
The Bill of Rights?  Oh yeah, 2nd Amendment like a good progressive.
Foreign interventions and 170 military bases are not authorized by the Constitution.  However, our President is authorized to protect the country from "invasions" like what is happening on the southern border.
My guess is he doesn't support the President's decisions on the border either.

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