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Thursday, January 17, 2019

LEVIN: Lets look into Nancy Pelosi's finances

Company Co-Founded By Nancy Pelosi’s Son Charged With Fraud

Another day another scandal hits the Democratic machine
and this one stinks. A company co-founded by Paul Pelosi Jr., Nancy
Pelosi’s son, was just charged with fraud by the SEC and other prominent
Democrats are involved.

The company is called Natural Blue Resources and it was a “green”
investment fund, which makes sense because the left has been trying to
monetize the environmental movement for decades.
Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Snared In SunEdison Stock Scandal

Martha Stewart served 5 months in prison for similar insider trading. And Nancy Pelosi has a well-earned reputation for shady stock purchases herself, getting shares in lucrative IPOs and trading on inside information gleaned through Congressional meetings.

Paul Pelosi Invested in SunEdison Weeks Before First Wind Purchase

WASHINGTON– House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi’s husband bought up
to a quarter million dollars of stock in SunEdison, a now financially
troubled green energy company just weeks before it announced a major
2014 acquisition that sent its stock price soaring. SunE’s 2014 purchase
of wind energy company First Wind “further bolstered the reputation of
the company,” wrote one market-watcher at the time. “Perhaps
unsurprisingly, SunEdison’s stock soared 29% on news of this acquisition

Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi, had invested just in time. He bought between
$100,000 and $250,000 in SunEdison stock on Oct. 24, 2014, according to
congressional financial disclosures. The company announced its First Wind acquisition on Nov. 17.

Pelosi has previously been accused of trading stock based on
information gleaned through her official duties. A law passed in the
wake of that controversy prohibits members of Congress from using
nonpublic information for personal gain. Language in that measure was
informally dubbed the ‘Pelosi Provision.’

Pelosi’s office did not respond to questions about the timing of the
purchase and whether she or her husband had any advance knowledge of the

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