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Thursday, April 18, 2019

Australia PM adviser says climate change is ‘UN-led ruse to establish new world order’

In a world where it costs you your job and reputation for questioning AGW, it’s nice to see it getting more traction. People are growing tired of this constant Global Warming alarmism.
The professor who got fired from a James Cook Uni for questioning climate change also recently won the court case:

It stops being science if you can’t even question the science.

Climate change is a hoax developed as part of a secret plot by the United Nations to undermine democracies and takeover the world, a top adviser to Tony Abbott, Australia’s prime minister, has warned.
Maurice Newman, the chief business adviser to the prime minister, said the science showing links between human activity and the warming climate was wrong but was being used as a “hook” by the UN to expand its global control.

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