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Thursday, April 18, 2019

Mueller Report top takeaways so far:

There are a mountain of pages and footnotes to go through, but here are some takeaways so far:
  • Mueller was unable to establish that Trump committed any underlying crimes. 
"Unlike cases in which a subject engages in obstruction of justice to cover up a crime, the evidence we obtained did not establish that the president was involved in an underlying crime related to Russian election interference," the report reads.
  • Mueller considered pressing charges in connection with the Trump Tower meeting. 
The special counsel's office considered prosecuting the Trump Tower meeting as a campaign-finance violation, however declined because they didn't have "admissible evidence" likely to prove that Trump officials "wilfully" acted, or that the information offered by the Russians exceeded the threshold for prosecution.
Interestingly - the Mueller report completely omits the involvement of Fusion GPS in the Trump tower meeting - as the Russian attorney involved in it, Natalia Veselnitskaya, was a Fusion GPS associate and met with founder Glenn Simpson before and after the Trump Tower meeting.
Also noteworthy is that the Trump Tower meeting investigation "did not identify evidence connecting the events of June 9 & the GRU's hack-and-dump operation.
  • Mueller looked at charging Trump aide George Papadopoulos as an agent of Israel
  • Trump worried that the Special Counsel investigation would end his presidency. 
According to the Mueller report, when then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions let Trump know about the appointment of a special counsel, Trump replied: "Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my presidency. I'm fucked," adding "How could you allow this to happen, Jeff?"
  • Former White House attorney Don McGahn threatened to resign.
McGahn was ready to hand in his resignation as White House counsel in June 2017 when Trump directed him to tell Deputy Attorney Rod Rosenstein that "Mueller has to go," per the report.
"In response to that request, McGahn decided to quit because he did not want to participate in events that he described as akin to the Saturday Night Massacre," during the Nixon administration. McGahn would stay on as White House counsel for for another 16 months.
More takeaways: 

This is the "100th day!" of the Pelosi House. Libs set a new House record. Zero accomplishments with not 1 HR passing into law. Not even a budget.
Trump-hate consumed and made void the 2018 election.
The Mueller report and all libs on deck investigating Trump fireproofs the record as the least productive House in 250-some years.
Trump wins. He snuffed out the first 100-day sprint.

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