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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Los Angeles cops already using spy drones for 'predictive policing';postID=3928001711659064421

It sounds like something out of Minority Report, but the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) have already deployed a spy drone to monitor Compton, a small city with a higher-than-average crime rate. The single drone, the size of a Cessna aircraft, would fly high above the city, utilizing aggregated data from crime reports to predict where it would likely catch a crime in progress. The craziest part of the whole experiment: it actually worked.
As the drone circled the skies above Compton, a report came in of a woman's necklace having been ripped from her neck. Checking the video from the drone, the cops were actually able to not only see the crime take place, they were able to identify a getaway car as well. Depending on your viewpoint, the downside of the program (as the cops see it) was that the drone's camera was only good enough to watch the crime happen, not to identify the criminal or the car's plate number.

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