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Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Janet Napolitano While Head of university investigated for Concealing $175 Million While Demanding More Funding, Audit Says reports:

The University of California hid a stash of $175 million in secret funds while its leaders requested more money from the state, an audit released on Tuesday said.

The San Francisco Chronicle reported that the audit found that the secret fund ballooned due to UC Office of the President overestimating how much is needed to run the school system that includes 10 campuses in the state. Janet Napolitano, the former Department of Homeland Security chief, is in charge of the school system.

Napolitano denied the audit’s claim. She reportedly said the money was held for any unexpected expenses. Her office also denied the amount in the fund.

She was in charge of the university… we may not know if she was directly involved
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, who led the burgeoning Department of Homeland Security through a host of policy changes in the post 9/11 era, is resigning to head the University of California system. Napolitano, just the third person to lead the 10-year-old department, told her senior staff Friday she would be leaving for California.
She will become the president of the University of California system, which includes UCLA and the University of California, Berkeley, among other campuses. The University of California also announced Napolitano’s nomination to be the 20th president of the statewide system.
More libtards helping themselves to other people’s money.

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