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Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Eating seed oils is like playing russian roulette with a fully loaded gun

 Eating seed oils is like playing russian roulette with a fully loaded gun.

A brief history... The biggest change to our diet in the last 100 years has been these oils. Before 1900s everyone used animal fats to cook. However, since then animal fat consumption has cratered and vegetable oil consumption has increased 1000x.

I will spare you the entire story, but heart disease ramped up in the early 1900s... Ancel Keys stepped in, posited that LDL contributed to heart disease and that saturated fat was the culprit for raising LDL. This was the "diet-heart hypothesis"
The AHA signed off on polyunsaturated fats as heart healthy in the mid 1900s (oh and they were paid $1.7m by P&G who sold crisco, a vegetable oil product) And since then we've been completely indoctrinated into the view that saturated fat clogs your arteries and PUFAs clear them.

Meanwhile, despite Americans dutifully following this advice, diabetes, heart disease, alzheimers and cancer are skyrocketing. Modern medicine wants us to believe that these diseases are unrelated, but they all tend to occur together and are tied to mitochondrial dysfunction.

Bottom line all seed oils are bad for you. Hopfully this brief post will help you to take the time to do further research on the subject.

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